
Showing posts from January, 2018

Interviewing Dwale! :D

Welcome back to all you furries out there! It is a wonderful Thursday evening at the time I am writing this post and I am very excited because I am starting a special thing here today. I have shared before that the furry fandom is full of talented members and, as I said, that is why I love and enjoy this fandom so much. So I got this cool idea to contact some furries I know, and ask them to sit down and do an interview. I can’t literally sit down with a lot of them because there is quite a distance between some of us, so most of these will be done online. Speaking of these interviews, I am doing the first one right now! With whom, you ask? Why with my good friend Dwale, of course! Dwale is an agender writer and singer who resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. It hosts a weekly chat in the Furry Writers’ Guild shoutbox every Thursday and is a valued member of the writing community there. Hello Dwale! Dwale: Good evening. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview. Dwale: My

Furry Crushes.

There are so many furry-ish characters and icons in Pop Culture. And our fandom has the knack to develop massive crushes on these characters. These include cartoon characters, video game mascots, cereal mascots, comic book characters and others. Hmm. I wonder what names came to mind first? Probably Rocket Raccoon, Lola Bunny, Zabivaka, Tony the Tiger (Hard to forget him after the twitter stuff.), and of course... Nick Wilde. Zootopia was that one movie where everyone who watched it went furry for a few minutes. You all know which part. Anyway, everyone has that one furry crush. Some crush on Lola or Krystal McCloud, others crush on Wolf O'Donnell or Nick Wilde. Or even Bowser.  (Seriously. People LOVE Bowser) Mine, for example, is Rocket Raccoon or our friend above. The Dancing Tiger. :D (He's adorable! Look at how happy he is!) Who is your furry crush? Comment on the tweet to let me know!

What makes one a furry?

Hello! Welcome to a new week! I took my three day weekend and tried to have myself some fun. Played some games, was actually social. *collective gasp* What... I have a social life. *Canned laughter* I have lots of friends! *more canned laughter* I have friends!!!! HA! No canned laughter there. Stupid Canned laughter. I also dropped my phone in a toilet. *Roommates and family laugh at me* OH COME ON! Anyway. Hello! Welcome to a new post! The question in topic today is one that defines our fandom as a community. What Makes One a Furry? People define this broadly or differently but most people agree on this one thing. A furry is a person who is interested in the concept of anthropomorphic animals who can walk/talk/wear clothes. The definition of anthropomorphism is as follows. "the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object." In the case of the furry fandom, we lean more toward the animal part. (Though wouldn't that mean the Mr. D f


Are you a furry?  Dallas: Um... Yeah? Aren't you one... GREAT! Do you have friends who you talk to about being furry ALL THE TIME? Scribbles: What are you doing? Don't you wish they could just share your interests in being a furry? Without forcing them to join the fandom? I know I do! Scribbles: Oh no. Well now there is an easy and proven way of indoctrinating your best friend into the furry fandom! Or as close as you can get to that! Mikey: Oh really? And how do you suppose that's done? Scribbles: Don't encourage him! Oh! Look who has conveniently joined me! My good friend Mikey! Well Mikey I am sure you remember the time I made you a character that I put into my book. M:Yes I do remember that. Yep! That's called a fursona. And that is one of the ways lots of furries indirectly connect their friends to the fandom. By making them a fursona! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! M. What?! That's a fursona? I'm still not sure about this Well do you know

Explaining the Fandom.

When I first joined the furry fandom, one of the parts I probably dreaded the most was answering that one question all of my friends, and both my parents asked. "What is a furry?" Because that question is usually followed by a lot of assumptions that they heard about parts of the fandom that are either not true, or don't speak for the entire fandom. Being a furry for awhile, I have had some time to come up with different ways to explain the furry fandom to the people closest to you. One of the best ways to tell people about your interests as a furry is by explaining the concept of anthropomorphism to them. You could even show them the Zootopia trailer, because that's pretty much what furries imagine they want their lives to be like. Living as their fursonas. Except without the Predator/Prey mistrust and almost racist ideologies on both sides. Then tell them about the creative aspect of the community. Our fandom is so diverse when it comes to talent. Voice Actors

The furry fandom is unique and creative.

There are so many members of our community that can do amazing things and that is one of the reasons I love the fandom! So today I am going to be letting you know about some amazing artists who you may not know of. People who are my friends. I just wanna hug them all because they are so amazing and talented and AHHHH I love them so much! Starting with one of my oldest friends of the fandom, Mr. Leo Fosky. This man holds a very special place in my heart. And he is such a good artist and I feel he gets better everytime I see one of his pictures. He doesn't do commissions, I don't think. But he is a really sweet person who is very good at what he does. :) Here is a picture he drew for me a year or two ago that I am very proud of. I was a new fur then and was more focused on being feirce than cute, but OMG I AM SO PROUD <3 I am hoping in the future, as he develops, that he will become even better and draw more often. :) His twitter is @LeoFosky. Next I have a new f

Welcome Furries, Scalies, and All!

Hello! Welcome. It is about time I tried to make a fully furry blog where I don't have to apologize to myself or anyone else for its furry content. Welcome! Furries, Scalies, and Avians! I am Halfbloodcheetah, known by many different names. The name I will be assuming on here are the names of my two fursonas. Almost everyone I know is very familiar with Scribbles, my Cheetah fursona, but for the benefit of anyone who has come into this like "Who is this?" "Scribbles?" Or "Oh god, more furry trash." I will do my best to introduce myself. And it's not furry trash, it's furry treasure. *sassy snap* Anyway! As I said, I am Halfbloodcheetah! Please feel free to call me Vinnie, or Scribbles, or Dallas! Whichever is fine! Also, I go by Cheetah, Watson, and Lenny. Don't know why for that last one. I have been a furry for three years, but I have only been super active in the fandom for one and a half. My first glances into the fandom were through