Furry Crushes.

There are so many furry-ish characters and icons in Pop Culture. And our fandom has the knack to develop massive crushes on these characters. These include cartoon characters, video game mascots, cereal mascots, comic book characters and others.

Hmm. I wonder what names came to mind first?

Probably Rocket Raccoon, Lola Bunny, Zabivaka, Tony the Tiger (Hard to forget him after the twitter stuff.), and of course... Nick Wilde.

Zootopia was that one movie where everyone who watched it went furry for a few minutes. You all know which part.

Anyway, everyone has that one furry crush. Some crush on Lola or Krystal McCloud, others crush on Wolf O'Donnell or Nick Wilde. Or even Bowser.  (Seriously. People LOVE Bowser)

Mine, for example, is Rocket Raccoon or our friend above. The Dancing Tiger. :D (He's adorable! Look at how happy he is!)

Who is your furry crush? Comment on the tweet to let me know!
