Explaining the Fandom.

When I first joined the furry fandom, one of the parts I probably dreaded the most was answering that one question all of my friends, and both my parents asked. "What is a furry?" Because that question is usually followed by a lot of assumptions that they heard about parts of the fandom that are either not true, or don't speak for the entire fandom.

Being a furry for awhile, I have had some time to come up with different ways to explain the furry fandom to the people closest to you.

One of the best ways to tell people about your interests as a furry is by explaining the concept of anthropomorphism to them. You could even show them the Zootopia trailer, because that's pretty much what furries imagine they want their lives to be like. Living as their fursonas. Except without the Predator/Prey mistrust and almost racist ideologies on both sides.

Then tell them about the creative aspect of the community. Our fandom is so diverse when it comes to talent. Voice Actors, Artists, Filmmakers, Photographers, Dancers, Designers, Marketing People, Writers. The list goes on! This fandom has become a way for a lot of people to branch out and use their talents.

Also you can mention that the fandom is a safe space. People can join and just be themselves and find a lot of like-minded people like them. A lot of furries actually say they feel alot more comfortable around other furries than they do normal people. It's a safe space.

Then will probably come the negative aspects of the fandom they heard about. Things that go on that get picked up by the media, or AltFurry... Simply tell them that those are not examples that should be used to judge the fandom as a whole. The fandom does not condone that kind of behavior and a lot of us hate that kind of behavior as well.

Even if you explain all that, in the end, not everyone you tell will support you. Don't let them get you down. New Furries, Older Furries, We as a fandom are here for you :) We love you!

Stay fluffy!


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