Are you a furry? 

Dallas: Um... Yeah? Aren't you one...

GREAT! Do you have friends who you talk to about being furry ALL THE TIME?

Scribbles: What are you doing?

Don't you wish they could just share your interests in being a furry? Without forcing them to join the fandom? I know I do!

Scribbles: Oh no.

Well now there is an easy and proven way of indoctrinating your best friend into the furry fandom! Or as close as you can get to that!

Mikey: Oh really? And how do you suppose that's done?

Scribbles: Don't encourage him!

Oh! Look who has conveniently joined me! My good friend Mikey! Well Mikey I am sure you remember the time I made you a character that I put into my book.

M:Yes I do remember that.

Yep! That's called a fursona. And that is one of the ways lots of furries indirectly connect their friends to the fandom. By making them a fursona! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

M. What?! That's a fursona? I'm still not sure about this

Well do you know what a fursona is supposed to be?

M: Well um not really

People make fursonas as an extension of themselves with qualities about themselves that they enjoy having. Others add qualities they wish they had.

M: Oh that makes sense, but honestly is it really a fursona if I didn't create it?

Well do you want it to be? Some furries better express themselves and their personality as their fursonas. In some cases this can be healthy.

M: Well I'm glad it is healthy for those who partake in it but honestly I don't think it's for me fren.

Its too lateeee HAHAHAHA... You're one of us now... Heh... hehehehehehehehehehe!


Okay guys just incase you were wondering, this post is meant to be silly. I made sure to get Mike's permission before this, and he wrote all of his responses accordingly. Irl I respect Mikey and his wish to not be made a furry.

Mikey: Thank you friend and I respect you and support your wishes to be a furry. That's what friendship is about!

YAY FRENSHIP! :D Thanks Mikey! Love ya boo! You see, some people make their friends fursonas and draw them as their fursonas and there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong, is for you to try and force a friend to join the fandom. They can enjoy hearing about it, but chances are that fandom is not their forte Mikey: Exactly!
Yeah! Respect Peeps. Have a great day. Go follow my friend Mikey because he is cool and awesome and stuff. I'll share the link to his twitter on... well Twitter!

Stay fuzzy!


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