The furry fandom is unique and creative.

There are so many members of our community that can do amazing things and that is one of the reasons I love the fandom! So today I am going to be letting you know about some amazing artists who you may not know of. People who are my friends. I just wanna hug them all because they are so amazing and talented and AHHHH I love them so much!

Starting with one of my oldest friends of the fandom, Mr. Leo Fosky. This man holds a very special place in my heart. And he is such a good artist and I feel he gets better everytime I see one of his pictures. He doesn't do commissions, I don't think. But he is a really sweet person who is very good at what he does. :) Here is a picture he drew for me a year or two ago that I am very proud of.

I was a new fur then and was more focused on being feirce than cute, but OMG I AM SO PROUD <3
I am hoping in the future, as he develops, that he will become even better and draw more often. :) His twitter is @LeoFosky.

Next I have a new friend! Also very proud of him! He has hit 800 followers and its not hard to see why. His art is good! And I can tell it is getting better. 800+ followers people. I mean, look at this! He drew this for me!

And he has more on his twitter. Go follow this guy, I really think he is awesome sauce! @ISketchStuff  is his twitter!

And the last one for now is a friend of mine from tumblr, who is currently in Belgium??? O.O Anyway, he goes by Vendible Dragon/Tekky the Furry on his internet furry endeavors. He is an amazing friend and a very sweet guy and he actually drew that picture of Scribbles you saw in my last post. :) He has drawn many cool things. Here is a sketch he is doing for one of my story projects! (and a cute picture he did for Leo Fosky. Bet you can't guess who's with himmmm)

He has a facebook page set up for commissions for when he comes back home from his trip. Here's the link! :D

These three guys are amazing and really good at what they do! Please go support them, give them likes and follows and retweets. Commission them, if they offer it. It's very good to support the fandom's artists, especially if you enjoy their work. That makes it possible for them to make more art, and profit from doing what they love!

Have a fabulously furry day everyone!


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