Welcome Furries, Scalies, and All!

Hello! Welcome. It is about time I tried to make a fully furry blog where I don't have to apologize to myself or anyone else for its furry content. Welcome! Furries, Scalies, and Avians! I am Halfbloodcheetah, known by many different names. The name I will be assuming on here are the names of my two fursonas. Almost everyone I know is very familiar with Scribbles, my Cheetah fursona, but for the benefit of anyone who has come into this like "Who is this?" "Scribbles?" Or "Oh god, more furry trash." I will do my best to introduce myself. And it's not furry trash, it's furry treasure. *sassy snap*

Anyway! As I said, I am Halfbloodcheetah! Please feel free to call me Vinnie, or Scribbles, or Dallas! Whichever is fine! Also, I go by Cheetah, Watson, and Lenny. Don't know why for that last one. I have been a furry for three years, but I have only been super active in the fandom for one and a half. My first glances into the fandom were through shows like TMNT, or ScoobyDoo. And fun characters like the Pink Panther, Beast Boy, and Hong Kong Phooey. As I got older, and got more access into the world wide web, I came across furry art on a Lucario fanpage and did some research. I had always liked the idea of walking, talking, animals dressed in clothes and that concept excited me, so I did some more searching into it. Ended up being introduced to the world of furries! Made some friends from the fandom on G+ and since have been slowly exposing myself to more and more of the fandom. :) It really is a nice community and I enjoy being apart of it.

My main fursona is this adorable little chee!

Scribbles is by far the most adorable character I have, and as my sona he has all of my best qualities, plus some qualities I wish that I had myself. He is cute, loves to write and play video games, and likes wolves, cookies, bacon, nachos, wolves, lions and dogs. Canines are his favorite friends, but he also has other friends too. He loves everyone the same. Except Donald Trump. He hates that administration. He loves making new friends as well!

On the other end of my fursona spectrum is Dallas, and he is from Houston, Texas. LIKE BEYONCÉ. But he lives in Canada now because Canada is much better than the US. He is openly dating a fox named Jordan. Dallas enjoys calm meditative exercise, Chicken Fried Steak, Biscuits and Gravy, boys, Tikka Masala, and reading books by the fireplace, Also is a sucker for violin music. He is very short for his age and gets teased about it alot. He is floofy and and loves playing board games.

What you furs will see here is my thoughts about all things furry! Like Fursuit Dancing, Furry Writers, Artists, and Tide Pods. Wait... Really? That's a thing? *facepalms* Maybe we are trash :3

Have a magical fluffy day everyone!


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