What makes one a furry?

Hello! Welcome to a new week! I took my three day weekend and tried to have myself some fun. Played some games, was actually social. *collective gasp* What... I have a social life. *Canned laughter* I have lots of friends! *more canned laughter* I have friends!!!! HA! No canned laughter there. Stupid Canned laughter. I also dropped my phone in a toilet. *Roommates and family laugh at me* OH COME ON!

Anyway. Hello! Welcome to a new post! The question in topic today is one that defines our fandom as a community. What Makes One a Furry? People define this broadly or differently but most people agree on this one thing. A furry is a person who is interested in the concept of anthropomorphic animals who can walk/talk/wear clothes. The definition of anthropomorphism is as follows.

"the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object."

In the case of the furry fandom, we lean more toward the animal part. (Though wouldn't that mean the Mr. D from the Percy Jackson series is anthropomorphic? O.O)

So the first question that will help you determine whether you are a furry or not is

1. Do I like the idea of anthropomorphic animals?

If you answered no, then you are probably not. But if you do say no, that would mean you don't like well-defined cartoon characters/heroes like Snagglepuss, Scooby Doo, or Rocket Raccoon. Those are anthropomorphic characters. Trust me, a lot of furries LOVE Rocket. And Zootopia. And Nick Wilde. We all know the fanart.

Question 2 may be difficult for some to answer.

2. Do I see myself enjoying that kind of fandom environment?

Not everyone is comfortable with an environment full of people. Some might be nervous or scared. And that is understandable. The first time I met another furry face to face, I was really nervous. So it is okay to say no. This doesn't mean you aren't a furry. Lots of furries have better relationships in the online community.

3. Do you like furries?

As opposed to what people think, it is not hard to become a furry. Really the fandom is an enjoyable place where people can connect with how much they love being furry! They can geek out about new furry characters or fursuits, enjoy meeting new people, and step out of their comfort zones a little. :)

So in conclusion, the way to become a furry is to love anthropomorphic animals and have a desire to make friends with similar interests. If that is your thing, cool! If it's not? Well, then that's okay too. *Judges you but not really*

Anyway, have a beautiful day everyone.


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