Book Review: Mist by Amy Fontaine!

Sorry about the long absence. College has been tearing me to shreds and I completely forgot about my blogs. I do not know when I will be posting regularly again, but I do know that I have a great book by a great furry writer to share with you. 

It is called Mist, and it is by a fantastic writer named Amy Fontaine.

Mist is the debut novel of a fantastic person and writer. It features five children of varying ages and starts them off as confused kids with no memories of who they are or how they came to be where they are. The writer does a fantastic job of putting faces to characters whose names we don't even know yet. As the story goes we get more and more peeks as to who these children are and whom they used to be. OH! And these are magical shapeshifters! And they can transform into animals! HECK YEAH!

We have Karen, who is the self-proclaimed leader and protector. There is Samuel, the sweet caring member of this quintet, Tessa is the younger member of the team, who's sweet and mischevious. Jack is the intellectual type but also serves as a bit of a protector as well. And then there is my favorite character, Loki, the shy and slightly darker one. The story follows these five through the whole book as they work on themselves and with each other to defeat a really, really bad dude who is terrorizing the new world they woke up in.

GUYS! I RECOMMEND THE HECK OUT OF THIS BOOK! Amy did a fantastic job, and I really can't wait to read more from her.

Here are the links to Amy's Twitter and her book. Please go give her some love, and get her book! 


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